Spinal Rehabilitation – Types Of Treatments Available

If you are suffering from back pain, or any other medical condition that affects your spine, you may be thinking of visiting a medical center for spine rehabilitation. Spine rehabilitation can include surgery, but in many cases there is no need for invasive treatment. Instead, the focus of the treatment may be more on stretching and strengthening the soft tissue surrounding your spine, and this can be accomplished using a combination of exercises and stretches. Your physical therapist will help you decide which type of exercise and stretches are right for your specific case.

Spinal decompression therapy is one type of treatment that can be used at a medical center for spine rehabilitation. In this treatment, the therapist will perform spinal decompression on your spine to help relieve pressure and stress, which can contribute to pain. The therapy may also be used to strengthen and stretch muscles, which can help reduce pain and improve quality of life. Sometimes, spinal decompression is combined with other types of therapy to achieve greater results.

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Another type of treatment is chiropractic adjustments. Many people think that chiropractic adjustments are painful, but they are actually very gentle, and should not hurt at all. The adjustments are effective and can help with postural problems, such as chronic low back pain, but they do not require any incisions. There are two main types of chiropractic adjustments: spinal manipulation, and manual therapy.

Spinal manipulation can be used for chiropractic adjustments by itself, or in conjunction with other treatments. During a spinal manipulation, the chiropractor may apply sudden force, which helps to break up bone particles and loosen tight joints. Other times, the therapist uses slow, steady pressure, which helps to realign the spine and vertebrae. After the adjustments, patients may feel some discomfort, but after a few days, they should report no discomfort.

For patients who have already undergone a spinal adjustment, they may have an opportunity to try another type of treatment, such as chiropractic traction. This treatment is usually less invasive than a spinal adjustment and works on strengthening the ligaments between vertebrae. Traction usually takes place on the back, but some patients may also experience it on their neck and upper legs. It works by stretching out tight muscle tissues, allowing them to naturally stretch out, and relieve any soreness. This treatment has helped many patients to achieve and maintain good results with their rehabilitation, even after their initial treatment.

Whether you need spinal rehabilitation to relieve pain or to achieve better results following surgery, your medical center can help you find what you need. Your rehabilitation team will be able to evaluate your situation and recommend the most effective course of treatment based on your physical and medical history. If you do have insurance, be sure to inquire about the best coverage options. Remember, your treatment may require you to make frequent trips to your center. Having the most convenient, affordable, and reliable rehabilitation facility within close proximity can make all the difference in the world for your recovery.